I'm Anthony Baker. Originally born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, I migrated to the Seattle area in 2008 with my British-born wife Tracy, where we now live with our two kids and dog Bowie.[^ Tip: Having a dog named after a rock star offers you an endless supply of cool t-shirts. ]
By day, I work as a Principal Technical Product Manager with NBC News Group Digital, leading and collaborating with teams to develop the publishing services, APIs and features that power much of our websites and apps.
Long-time denizen of the Internet and World Wide Web, this is my first personal website. It's time to carve out a dedicated place for myself, my thoughts, and ideas from which I can share to others who might be interested.[^ And as you might imagine, the thoughts and comments on this site/newsletter are my own and in no way represent my employer.]
This and other parts of this site are going to grow and change a fair amount as I get going. I hope you enjoy it and come back often.
Feel free to also reach out to me on Mastodon (where I'm primarily at), or BlueSky. You can also email me using my first name @ this domain.
About the Site Name
Sweaty Breakfast originated as the nickname for a post-workout weekend breakfast I and some regular gym-goers used to do in San Francisco years ago. It's a memorable (if not unusual) combination of words, and also my Peloton user name.[^ Been a big fan of stationary spin bike classes forever, and got a Peloton in March 2020 just before the COVID lockdowns began. It's still a ton of fun, a great workout, and something I enjoy to this day.]